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Maiastra November 2024 - Piano Trios with Matthijs Broersma

Free tickets / donations welcome - please use the booking links to reserve seats. Walk-ins are accepted on the night, however space is limited at some venues so booking is advised.

Wine and soft drinks will be served before the performance and during the interval.

The Aidan Woodcock Charitable Trust is reliant on the generosity of our supporters and audience members. If you would like to support us please click DONATE.

Maiastra November 2024 - Piano Trios with Matthijs Broersma

Maiastra look forward to welcoming back internationally-acclaimed chamber musician, cellist Matthijs Broersma. Matthijs is a Trustee of The Aidan Woodcock Charitable Trust and Maiastra Course Director. Matthijs is the cellist of the Gémeaux Quartett, a firmly established international prize winning Swiss quartet as well as being principal cello teacher at The Yehudi Menuhin School. 


Mendelssohn - Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49

Smetana - Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 15

Course Director

Matthijs Broersma


Matthijs Broersma - cello

Sabine Sergejeva - violin

Chloé Dumoulin - piano

CLICK HERE to book tickets for St James', Abinger.
CLICK HERE to book tickets for St Mary's, Twickenham.
CLICK HERE to book tickets for St Andrew's, Cobham.



November 2024

7:30 pm

St James' Church, Abinger

Abinger Common, Surrey RH5 6HZ

Location Map



November 2024

7:30 pm

St Mary's Church Twickenham

Church Street, TWICKENHAM TW1 3NJ

Location Map



November 2024

5:00 pm

St. Andrew's Church Cobham

Downside Bridge Road, COBHAM KT11 3EJ

Location Map